MLB The Show 23 Tournaments have officially launched and are in Beta. Sign up now and give us any feedback.
Great news! MLB The Show 23 tournaments are officially in beta on Repeat, meaning you can now connect your game ID and earn prizes while playing MLB The Show 23.
MLB The Show 23 Beta Tournaments
MLB leaderboards on Repeat during this beta stage will include daily tournaments in the Diamond Dynasty game mode on The Show. Just connect your ID, join a tournament, and make sure you’re playing Diamond Dynasty.
We will automatically total your score based on if your wins, how many runs you scored and gave up, and your overall batting (single, double, triple, etc) and pitching (strikeouts, hits given up, etc) stats.
The best part is you don’t have to match up with another player within the tournament on Repeat. Just play matchmaking in Diamond Dynasty and you’re automatically placed on a leaderboard featuring your top 10 matches scored, that means you can only improve your score as you play more!
Why a Beta?
The Repeat beta is our time to work through bugs and issues that may arise and also make sure the scoring formats are the most enjoyable for the users as a whole. Please make sure to join our Discord and let us know if you have any feedback.
Beta can be expected to last anywhere from two to four weeks with coin prizes which can be redeemed for things like Amazon or Steam gift cards in our marketplace. After we exit beta we will include cash and some incredibly unique experiences as prizing!