There are now Rocket League tournaments you can join on! Simply connect your game ID to start winning cash and prizes. has officially come out of beta and launched Rocket League tournaments on the platform! We have made it easier than ever to make money playing Rocket League and are excited for you to check out these leaderboard style tournaments.
Sign up soon as we are giving away $40,000+ in February and $25,000 per month for the months to follow.
We will also soon be releasing rank-restricted tournaments, which will place you into a category of ranks and you will only be allowed to join a tournament for your corresponding rank category. For example, a “novice” tournament would contain most of the lower ranks, and so on.
Why Rocket League?
Simply put? Because it’s awesome! Rocket League has been a game our users have asked for and we could not be more thrilled to bring it your way.
As one of the biggest games in the world with an incredibly fun and active esports scene, it was a no-brainer.
How do Rocket League tournaments work? online tournaments have always been about rewarding players for simply turning on the game and playing like they normally would. Rocket League tournaments will be no different.
The way our tournaments work in general is you are awarded points for certain statistics in your games you play online, you don’t actually play against other players within the tournament.
So just play Ranked 1v1, for example, against whoever you are matched against and we’ll automatically add up your game score from each of your matches depending on if you won and how many goals, assists, saves or shots you had in the game. Your points will be from your own performance, not your teammate’s.
*Note – intentionally losing, using smurf accounts, or any cheating of any kind is not tolerated and users caught will be permanently banned.
How do I enter Rocket League tournaments on Repeat?
The first step for a user (after signing up for a Repeat account) is to connect your Epic ID to your Repeat account using the sign on feature within Epic. Once you have done this you will be able to enter any of our tournaments. You can find the Connect Game button on our Rocket League page or add it from any individual tournament page.
After you’ve completed this step you can join any tournament and you can join as many tournaments at the same time as you want. This makes it easy to build up the cash and coins in your account! So if you join multiple Ranked 2v2 tournaments that are live and counting scores, your games will be counted in all of those tournaments.
Good luck & have fun! If you have any questions or feedback, join our Discord and we can connect with you there.