Roles are crucial to victory in MOBA, which is why we’ve created Dota 2 Mid Only tournaments now available on

You have asked for them, and now we are able to provide role-specific tournaments for Dota 2! We know the roles play an important…role…in every Dota 2 match, but also understand play styles differ and thus we have been working towards giving users a chance to participate in tournaments where only games played under a certain list of characters will count.

How Mid Only Tournaments Work

These tournaments will work exactly how you would think: Only characters with the Mid role will count towards your score. These characters are outlined in the image below.

How Will These Tournaments Be Scored?

Scoring for these tournaments will be as follows:

  • Death: -2 points
  • Kills: 5 points
  • Assist: 2.5 points
  • Last hits: 0.2 points
  • Win: 15 points

As with all of our tournaments, you will be given an average score based on your point total in your top games.

Think you’re one of the best Mid players out there? Prove it in these Mid-only tournaments on