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Dota 2 Tournaments Are Live And Better Than Ever

Dota 2 tournament

Dota 2 tournaments have been on Repeat for quite some time, but we recently made many improvements specifically for our Dota 2 community.

As one of the more popular games in the world, and one that has been a major player in esports since its release in 2013, running Dota 2 tournaments on Repeat.gg has always made a ton of sense.

As one of the more popular games in the world, and one that has been a major player in esports since its release in 2013, running Dota 2 tournaments on Repeat.gg has always made a ton of sense.

We are now refocusing to improve our Dota 2 community and have made tremendous improvements to our product over the past year, so we wanted to reach out to the current and former users who play Dota 2 and talk about many of the exciting changes that have happened over the past few months, not the least of which was completely re-branding to Repeat.gg from XY Gaming.

With that has come more tournaments, faster results, optimized scoring for tournaments, and improved payouts. We’re constantly improving the website, so if you haven’t been back in a while come check out all the exciting new changes, such as the brand new update results button. 

In one of our most recent updates, we rolled out an Update Results button that will appear next to your score inside a tournament you have entered. Our automated results can sometimes take time to appear, so give those scores a quick refresh and see them appear right before your eyes! We’re also going to be launching role-specific tournaments and other fun changes to tournament styles over the next few months. 

Over $3,000 In Prize Pools for the month of May

We also have introduced free-to-play tournaments each month which make it easy for you to build up your account and enter more tournaments. Upcoming free-to-enter tournaments include our $1,500 Quarantine Tournament, the $1,000 Coach BYB Tournament with the popular Facebook Streamer, and several other regular tournaments.

Starting in June, we will have “Play Your Role” tournaments that are specific to Support, Mid, and Carry, and by the end of June we will have ranked tournaments for Crusaders, Archons, Legends and Ancients, as well as Hero-locked tournaments where certain heroes are restricted or limited e.g an Anti-Mage tournament.

Dota 2 now also features cash-entry tournaments with entries as low as $0.25 and as high as $17 and the prize pool is affected by the number of entrants.

We hope these improvements and free/cash entry tournaments, as well as many general improvements to the website that have already been made, with more on the way, will allow you a totally positive experience competing in Dota 2 tournaments on Repeat.gg.

We are also giving away $50 Steam cards to 10 lucky winners! Enter by clicking this link or the image above.

How Scoring Works in Fortnite Tournaments on Repeat


Here is the standard scoring model for online Fortnite tournaments on Repeat.gg. Sign up, enter your Epic Games ID, and enter a tournament to start earning!

Now that we have Fortnite tournaments available on the platform, we wanted to address many of the scoring questions we’ve gotten in the Discord and via our support channels. I hope this covers any questions you may have, but if you’re still needing help you can reach us on Discord.

How Do I Make Sure My Stats Are Counting?

Some things to keep in mind before you play:

  • Connect your own Game ID
  • Make your stats public
  • If you’re low skill you have many bots, and it won’t count scores in bot lobby
  • No custom matches will count, we only use Public or Arena matches. Check the tournament overview to see which type of games will count.
  • Check if you’re in mobile lobbies or if you’re playing with a mobile player in your lobby as these matches will not count
  • Check the tournament overview to see which platforms are allowed (PC, Console, Mobile)
  • Check if the tournament you entered has started
  • Check fortnitettracker.com to see if you matches are coming through there

Also keep in mind scores are not updated instantly and take time to come in. If you haven’t seen scores after 24 hours and have checked all the above, email [email protected] with your issue.

How Is The Scoring Calculated for Fortnite Tournaments?

Our scoring is similar to Fortnite’s current setup:

  • 1 point for a kill
  • 10 points for a win
  • 5 points for Top 10% finish (Top 10 in solos, Top 5 in duos, Top 3 in squads)
  • 2 points for a Top 25% finish (Top 25 in solos, Top 12 in duos, Top 6 in Squads)

So if you played 3 solos matches and finish with a Top 25, a Top 5, and a win with 13 total kills, you will have earned 30 points. If your matches come in together on the same update, it will come as an average per match score of 10 (more on this later).

The “Score” you see on the tournament pages represents the top X of results lines counted (where “X” depends on tournament, can be Top 3, 10 or 20, etc.) This number of scores we add together for your total score will always be displayed on the tournament page with your results at the very top if you have entered that tournament.

How Many Games Can I Play In A Tournament?

Depending on the tournament length, we only take a total of your Top 3, Top 10 or Top 20 results that are added to get your actual score, so don’t worry about having bad games. You can only improve on your score so you can play as many games as you like.

How Often Do Scores Update?

Scoring is refreshed automatically on our website and will include every match you had played since the last update and take an average of your scores during that hour. This is due to the way Fortnite displays their data publicly in that there is no public per match log, so we have to update scores based on the change in your career stats from when the score was last updated to the most recent update.

fortnite tournaments

For example, if your career leaderboard shows 100 kills, 100 wins, and 100 matches on the last update, and in the next update we see that your leaderboard has changed to 105 kills, 101 wins and 101 matches, you will see a line in your score breakdown which includes the 1 win in 1 match with 5 kills.

Why Is My Score So Low?

However, if you played multiple matches in the time between updates, your matches will get batched together and one line will represent the games played in that time and you will get a score that is averaged per match.

fortnite tournaments

For example, if you played 3 games since your score was last updated and you scored 30 points total, your score for those 3 games will come in as an average to give you a score of 10 for that results line. We have this as an average in the case results take longer to come in and people can’t get 9-10 games totaled onto 1 line and their score becomes unattainable since we add your top results lines for your tournament score. So we have to narrow the score down to a per match basis.

If you have any questions, comments, or just want to hang out with others competing in our tournaments, join our Discord.

Open Beta for Fortnite Tournaments is Live! Report Bugs To Earn Prizes

Fortnite Tournaments

Repeat.gg now has Fortnite Tournaments available in an open beta! Report bugs to earn prizes or be entered in a V-bucks giveaway.

We’re so close to Fortnite tournaments being fully operational on Repeat.gg, and in preparation for that we have launched an open Beta with a chance for users to earn prizes and be entered in a massive giveaway for helping us find bugs or issues with the processes and functionality of these tournaments

We’re close to launching Fornite on Repeat and in preparation we are having an open beta with a chance for users to earn cash, prizes and enter a massive giveaway. Get paid to help us find bugs, so we can make our Fornite launch the best ever.

When Fortnite is launched it will have over $20,000 in prize pools in the first month alone, so we want to be absolutely sure everything runs smoothly. We know how much you have been asking for Fortnite, and we are doing our best to make sure it runs without a hitch.

How do Fortnite Tournaments Work?

Your first step to joining tournaments on Repeat.gg is always to make sure your account is verified with the verification email that is sent to you upon registration. Similar to how our tournaments for other games have run in the past, all you need to then do for Fortnite tournaments is link your Epic Games ID to your Repeat.gg account. One extra step you need to take is to make sure your Fortnite stats are made public, which you can find out how to do by following this link.

How Is The Scoring Done for Fortnite?

Scoring is refreshed automatically every hour on our website and will include every match you had played in the previous hour and take an average of your scores during that hour. However, if you click the Update results button after each match, you will receive a score for each of those matches separately.

This is due to the way Fortnite displays their data publicly. Depending on the tournament length, an average of your Top 3 or Top 10 scores will be averaged for your actual score. The number of scores averaged will always be displayed on the tournament page.

Our scoring will be similar to Fortnite’s current setup. 1 point for a kill, 10 points for a win, 5 points for Top 5 finish, and 2 points for a Top 25 finish. So if you played 3 matches and finish with a Top 25, a Top 5, and a win with 13 total kills, you will have earned 30 points with a per match score average of 10.

Your highest average scores will determine how you place in tournaments, so don’t worry about having bad games. You can only improve on your average score so make sure you keep grinding!

How Do I Report a Bug?

To that end, we will be asking for your help during this open beta. Anyone who reports a bug or issue with Fortnite tournaments or the website in general will be entered into a giveaway for 10,000 Fortnite V-Bucks! Report the bug in our Google Form here.

What Do I Get For Reporting A Bug?

If you are the first to report a bug that we had not yet been notified of yet, you will receive $10 in your Repeat.gg account when Fortnite launches and be notified via email. If you report the bug and we verify it’s a problem, but it had already been reported, you are still entered into the giveaway. We will keep track of all users who have entered by updating this blog with usernames of those who have entered.

Join the $5k Launch Party Tournament

The beta will last for two weeks until the 15th of May and we will launch Fortnite tournaments in full not long after it closes. We are hosting a $5,000 Launch Party tournament that can only be entered by pre-registering at this link.

Users Entered Into The Giveaway

Check back here periodically to see users who have been entered in the giveaway

League of Legends Guide To Playing Mid Lane


The mid lane may be the most difficult role to play in MOBAs; you’ll be an expert in no time after reading this League of Legends guide to mid lane.

So, you want to learn how to become a mid laner eh? Well, it won’t be easy, but if you are willing to put in the time, then I’m willing to help! The following is a League of Legends guide to playing the all important mid lane role.

What is a Mid Laner?

Mid laners are champions that dwell in the mid lane. Your mid lane player is the core of any team and is arguably the most difficult role to play in League of Legends. This is due to the amount of game knowledge needed to perform well in the role. There are a few different categories of supports, but for now, we will cover what I believe are the three main categories: Control, Burst and DPS. Let me explain these categories a little bit more.


Control champions (often referred to as control mages, as they are always mages) are champs such as Anivia, Orianna and Lissandra. They are characterized by their high levels of CC and zoning potential as well as their balanced playstyle.

Control mages are for people who excel at macro play and care more about how the entire team is doing rather than just themselves. They have incredible team fight potential due to their innate ability to completely lock down enemies and/or cut them off from the rest of their team, making control champs an invaluable asset to have.


Burst champions are champs such as Katarina, Talon and Leblanc. They are characterized by their ability to dish out lots of damage within a short time window or ‘burst’, thus giving them their name.

Burst champs are classic solo queue picks, as in the solo queue environment you cannot always trust your team to perform top certain standards, making it easier to just pick a burst champ that can solo carry the game provided they get a big lead in the early game. They have poor team fight potential due to their squishiness and lack of consistent damage/CC. For this reason, they can only really look for picks on isolated targets. 


DPS stands for damage per second, and having a high DPS means you are putting out consistently decent damage throughout an extended fight. Examples of DPS champs include Cassiopeia, Azir and Ryze. They tend to play more like ADC’s but with more combo abilities and CC.

DPS champions are the premier choice for late-game team fighting, guaranteeing you always come out of a fight with a positive outcome. However, due to the relatively short length of games in the current meta, it is best to avoid scaling champs such as these, as it is very rare that you get to the stage of the game where they become useful.

How do you play a Mid Laner?

There are many things that need to be learnt to play a mid laner effectively. If I went into detail about them all, you will have most likely turned to dust by the time you finish reading this article. So I will run you through some of the key aspects of the mid lane!

Starting Items

As a mid laner, you will generally be using the Doran’s line of starter items, ring for AP and blade for AD, there will also be times when you will start a Corrupting potion instead. Of course, there are outlying examples, such as building a sapphire crystal for a starter item as Ryze. Also whilst this is not a starting item, always make sure to buy a control ward or two whenever you back, this is not an option, it is mandatory. Good vision saves lives!

Wave Management

Now onto perhaps one of the most crucial parts of playing as a mid laner, and that is learning wave management. This is the part of learning the role that always bores people, but it is fundamental and will improve your play tenfold. First off let’s talk about the general rules for minion waves.

  1. A melee minion will die to two tower hits and an auto-attack, whilst caster minion will die to one tower hit and two auto-attacks.
  2. The first minion wave will reach the middle of the mid lane at 1:27, each subsequent wave will arrive 30 seconds after the other.
  3. Every 3rd wave before 20 mins will be a siege wave, which contains a cannon minion.

Now that we have those basic rules out of the way, let’s talk about the different ways in which you can manipulate the wave to punish the enemy team. There are 3 basic wave manipulations you can perform: Freezing, Shoving and Slow Pushing.


Freezing is a form of wave manipulation in which you ‘freeze‘ the wave in front of your turret and keep it there indefinitely. This is best used in a situation where you are ahead of your opponent and want to put them further behind. The way you set up a freeze is by letting the enemy push up to your tower, then taking minion aggro to keep them in place until your wave arrives.

In order for a freeze to be successful, the enemy wave should always have two or three more minions than your own, and you should only ever last hit the minions, never damage them early. By doing this, you put the enemy in a position where he cannot CS without being overextended and susceptible to ganks. If the enemy tries to walk up for CS, you are also in a position where you can zone him off with little consequence, as should anything go wrong, you can simply retreat under your turret.


Shoves are a form of wave manipulation in which you ‘shove’ your wave all the way to the enemy turret to deny gold and XP. Shoves are best used when the enemy has recalled or roamed. To pull off a shove, you simply have to keep killing the enemy waves, best done with abilities to quicken the process, until you reach the enemy turret. At this point, you can either look to roam or recall for items, whilst the enemy laner loses all his potential CS as it is killed by the turret before he can get back in time. 

Slow Pushing (Only use bot or top)

Slow pushes are a form of wave manipulation, in which you utilize wave pushing mechanics to amass a large army of minions that will eventually crash into a turret and destroy it if not responded to. Slow pushes are best used as a distraction so you are able to set up for objective plays such as Baron, or can also be used to force the enemy into a guaranteed objective loss if utilized in conjunction with a split push in the opposite lane.

To set up a slow push, all you have to do is kill one or two caster minions in the enemy wave, two if you want a faster push, one if you want a bigger wave. Your wave will naturally begin to push towards the enemy turret and will slowly grow in size as time goes on.

CS Difficulties

If you are playing a ranged champion in mid (which you most likely are) you will have a lot of difficulties with last hitting minions, due to your low AD and/or travel time of basic attacks. This can be easily rectified by simply walking closer to the minion you are attacking, eliminating travel time, as for the low AD, that is just something that comes with practice, as you learn how much damage your champion does at all stages of the game. (Remember: Your ultimate goal is to be hitting 10 CS per minute!)


Knowing when, or if to roam can be rather tricky for new players to grasp. This changes on a matchup by matchup basis and will also change depending on the type of champion you are playing. If playing a mobile burst character such as Leblanc or Talon, then you should be looking to roam every time you shove the wave into the enemy turret, especially if they are playing champions such as Anivia, which don’t farm well early.

However, if you are playing a champion such as Orianna, you would be better off staying in lane and farming, rather than looking for kills around the map. This is due to the fact that you have very little mobility, and in reality, farming is actually much more gold effective than kills are. 17-18 CS equates to the same amount of gold as one kill does, meaning playing champs that specialize in farming waves is a much better way to guarantee your power spikes as you can get more CS per minute than you can get kills per minute early on.

Map Awareness

As a mid laner, map awareness is incredibly important, as you are in the middle of the map, you are twice as susceptible to ganks as any other lane, as you can be attacked from all sides. For this reason, it is very important to know what is going on around the map at all times. The best thing to do is to train yourself to look at the minimap after every CS. This ensures that you are regularly updating yourself with information.

Another trick to learn is to utilize the F keys e.g F2, to see the camera perspective of each of your teammates, cycle through the perspective of each of your teammates whenever you are walking to lane or towards an objective, but be mindful to only spend a short time doing this, as you are vulnerable whilst doing this. Finally, to keep yourself safe, once you ward one side of the lane, try and play on that side, that way, you can keep yourself safe from ganks.

Thank you for reading this League of Legends guide to playing mid lane. Now you’re prepared with a handful of knowledge that should help you mid lane with any champion! Get to practicing and see you on the Rift.

Related: Top 10 League of Legends Supports to Play in Competitive

Strengths And Weaknesses of Every Streaming Platform


Each streaming platform competes with one another, boasting different features in order to retain viewers. These are the strengths and weaknesses of every major streaming platform for gamers.

Top streaming platforms are increasing in value, now more than ever, as live streaming captures more fans and gamers seek the best location to watch other players. Each platform holds its own unique characteristics and fans often wonder which service to use. We’ve brought you a list explaining the strengths and weaknesses of every streaming platform so you’re best equipped to find a favorite.


The king of the herd, Twitch leads as the most used streaming platform and has been the leader for years. Introduced in 2011 as a spin-off from Justin.tv, they sprung into action, taking on the major esports of the time and accommodating new streamers. With their speed at handling the new gaming/esports industry, Twitch found their way to the top. Statistics from SullyGnome show that the site received an average of 1.7 million viewers in the last month. This is where to go to find the most streamers and viewers with an efficient user interface.

Twitch is also increasingly partnering with games like League of Legends, FIFA 2020, and Doom Eternal to provide in-game rewards to those who link accounts and have Twitch Prime, which comes free with Amazon Prime. They’ve been aggressively expanding their reach to retain viewers as more and more streaming platforms become available.

Twitch’s main weakness is its tendency to help notable streamers with issues voiced, but not so much when smaller streamers are involved. This bias brought the media and notable streamers like Imane “Pokimane” Anys to paint them negatively in recent years.


Launched in 2016 under the name Beam, the streaming service was soon bought by Microsoft and rebranded to Mixer. Mixer has held a small following and stayed under the radar until the summer of 2019 when they made headlines by securing Tyler “Ninja” Blevins in an exclusive streaming contract. The Apple store doubled the number of downloads on the app after the news broke. 

Image by Sensor Tower

As a newer streaming platform, Mixer holds smaller communities and doesn’t suffer from the same feeling of being buried that Twitch deals with. Communities and streamers are easier to interact with. Mixer also boasts FTL (faster than light) streaming, a website protocol that allows streamers and viewers to interact in real-time. FTL streaming is a unique feature that further boosts Mixer’s community. Unfortunately, as a newer platform, it’s difficult for streamers to see increased viewers and viewers see less of a chance of social growth with small circles.

YouTube Gaming

Everyone knows of video giant YouTube, but far fewer people know how invested in gaming YouTube actually is. Launched in 2015, Google capitalized on the growing market of gamers by launching its own streaming platform, YouTube Gaming.

The site holds over 25,000 games and content is not limited to live streams or previous recordings. YouTube Gaming taps into the well of gaming videos, pushing video content into the mix. When news broke of the Overwatch League and Call of Duty League signing exclusive streaming contracts with YouTube Gaming, a surge of viewers and fans similarly followed. 

Chart by StreamElements

Strengths for this streaming platform lie primarily in its clean site layout. Nearly all gamers have used YouTube at some point or the other, and YouTube Gaming replicates the layout, highlighting top streams and recommended gaming videos, both of which have customizable video stream quality.

Users can easily shift from one stream to the next with more personalized recommendations for content. Streamers can also benefit from working with Google AdSense advertising due to the sites’ association. YouTube Gaming’s main problems come from a lack of community support from YouTube and a lack of revenue tools for content creators who rely on ads after monetizing videos.

Facebook Gaming

Popular social media platform Facebook began its journey into gaming and esports in early 2018 as Facebook Gaming. Like most gaming companies, they started off small, relying on their brand to provide viewers. Streamlabs reported an active streamer increase of 236% between early-2018 to mid-2019, proving that there is potential there. Most fans seek alternatives when it comes to their streaming platform of choice, but Facebook Gaming will gain streaming attention over time as the company clearly has a permanent investment in gaming.

Although Facebook Gaming may be very limited now, they have a huge audience to pull from. Many gamers already have social media accounts with Facebook, so taking the next step and going into the gaming section would be a small jump.

The community, engagement, and streamer base is very small now but it could all change based on the platform connections and marketing that’s done between Facebook Gaming and their social media. They’re already fighting their weakness of a lacking user base by signing an exclusive streaming contract with Disguised Toast, a top streamer, providing streamers with much better monetization than Twitch and other top streaming platforms, and their new LevelUp program


Juked went live in 2019 as a new all-in-one streaming service aiming to make fans of esports’ lives easier. With the goal of streamlining every single esport, be it upcoming tournaments, live events, VODs, a sleek website offering every title at a time is just what fans need.

Ben Goldhaber, the co-founder and CEO of Juked, described the new streaming platform’s mission, “Juked’s mission is to reinvent how people discover and watch the esports events they love… Power users can curate Juked by their favorite games and teams, but know that our goal is explicitly to expose you to content that you may not have discovered otherwise.”

Image from Juked.gg

At a glance, you can see that the homepage isn’t cluttered like other streaming platform competitors. The site’s homepage is divided into well-organized sections so users can find everything they need from the start.

Obviously, the biggest perk to Juked is the ease of access and that the company is intentionally showing off different content in order to reveal more to fans. But the downside to an all-in-one streaming location is frame lag for computers that may struggle to process multiple streams. Thankfully, this only occurs on the homepage.

Their other flaw is that the platform hosts streams from other services, such as Twitch and YouTube Gaming, meaning that a Juked community is very small and can’t communicate well without their own stream chats.


Built upon the Lino Network blockchain currency and launched in 2017, DLive is a new and small streaming platform that claims to take no cut of a streamer’s revenue. In fact, DLive pledges they will never take money from their well-deserved content creators. They can support themselves because of their own blockchain ecosystem that sustains them with viewership, the reason why they can give back more to their streamers. 

Image from Dlive.tv

DLive made their mark on the gaming community by marking a contract with top YouTube creator, Felix “PewDiePie” Kjellberg. PewDiePie was live streaming on DLive for months, even donating up to $50,000 to streamers who tuned in to his first stream there. That brought the platform some much-needed viewers, who can more easily interact with creators.

Streamers can shift their focus fully into their game and community interaction since revenue percentages are so high. The DLive streaming platform is small and lacks both viewers and streamers, even more than Facebook Gaming, but because of that and their support for streamers, fans can expect more quality interactions here.

The Most Overpowered Fortnite Weapons in the Game’s History

fortnite weapons

Fortnite claims millions of players and its thanks to content like new weapons that fans love the game. The best Fortnite weapons ever are listed below.

Fortnite, the most iconic video game title in the last few years, went through major shifts as weapons have been added and removed throughout the seasons. Much of the community’s love for the game comes from the excitement of new content constantly added, including the best weapons in Fortnite history.

Developer Epic Games succeeded in crafting a variety of awesome weapons, even influencing the Fortnite esports scene. We’ve brought you a list of the Top 10 Fortnite weapons throughout the game’s history.

10. Heavy Sniper Rifle

The Heavy Sniper Rifle was introduced in Fortnite Season 5 and deemed overpowered from launch. Dealing 150 damage per bullet, a good shot with the sniper will instantly take out most players unless they’re well-shielded. They’ll even hit structures with over 1000 damage per shot.

Given that shields are more prevalent in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2 with all the slurp juice around and a reload speed of over four seconds, succeeding with the rifle is a little more challenging than before. The Heavy Sniper Rifle was reintroduced into the game recently so those sniper montages will be popping back up.

9. Rocket launcher

Fortnite’s Rocket Launcher is a weapon that’s existed since the beginnings of Fortnite, like every other shooter game. But unlike other games, this weapon is actually strong and even better late game. It’s very common to see players pick up a Rocket Launcher when the match is nearing its end. The reason being that these weapons are great for area of effect structure damage. When the fortresses and towers are made in build battles, rocket damage can quickly take out large sections of structures. Epic Games is definitely fond of this weapon since they even made common and uncommon Rocket Launchers to be found. It’s also a fun one since players can actually ride the rockets. 

8. Tactical Shotgun 

Considered a plus in any inventory situation for Fortnite Chapter 2, the Tactical Shotgun went through different waves of use and is currently considered a must-have. Unlike its brother, the Pump Shotgun, this gun fires much more rapidly and can decimate opponents with some well-placed shots. Even better if you can’t hit chests or headshots since the rate of fire is very forgiving. Another perk to using it is that the headshot damage is higher than that of an epic rarity combat/pump shotgun. 

One of Fortnite’s previous weapons, the Purple (epic rarity) Tactical Shotgun, also known as a Purple Tac, was one of the best weapons in Fortnite history. Buffed in version 9.00, the shotgun had a higher DPS than the Pump Shotgun, with much higher headshot damage as well. It wasn’t long before it was nerfed to a weaker state.  

Screenshot from Fortnite | Epic Games

7. Light Machine Gun

Going through some changes over the year and being vaulted as well, the Light Machine Gun proved to be fierce in the Battle Royale mode. It doesn’t deal the highest damage as an assault rifle with the rare variant doing 25 damage per shot. But when it boasts a rate of fire at 8 bullets per second, that measly damage ends up ripping structures apart. For defenses immediately placed by enemies, the LMG is ideal and bullets will make it through to the enemy. It has yet to make an appearance in Chapter 2 Season 2.

6. Lightsaber

Yes, you read that right. Epic Games’ hit video game Fortnite includes lightsabers from Star Wars as a weapon. Lightsabers are a mythic rarity weapon that were available for a limited time during the Star Wars Scene Preview Event. They were the only Fortnite weapon that could both block and deal damage since blocked bullets could be deflected around. They only dealt 45 damage per swing, but since players could move while blocking and it ripped through structures, it became a weapon worthy of legendary rarity.  

5. SCAR Assault Rifle

Assault rifles are usually the main and default weapon in shooter games and there’s no exception here. This family of guns is the ol’ reliable of Fortnite, never becoming vaulted or significantly buffed/nerfed. The epic and legendary variants of assault rifles are dubbed by the Fortnite community as the SCAR Assault Rifle due to its similar appearance to the actual gun. A purple SCAR fights with a DPS of 192.5 and is always worth an inventory slot.

4. Infinity Gauntlet

Another tribute to a popular movie series, Epic Games worked with Marvel to bring Thanos and his Infinity Gauntlet into Fortnite. Available only in a limited-time game mode, LTM Infinity Gauntlet, this was a mythic rarity weapon transforming the user into Thanos. From there, you received his abilities, a laser beam, a super jump, full shield and greatly increased health, and a whopping 80 damage per punch. According to Fortnite Wiki, the Infinity Gauntlet’s files remain in the game. Perhaps we’ll see a comeback to one of Fortnite’s best weapons? 

3. Guided Missile

Guided Missile is a type of Rocket Launcher that allows the user to freely control the direction of a launched missile. When it was released in Season 3, everyone thought it was overpowered. Even though the missile user was vulnerable by standing still, controlling a missile to dodge and find its targets was something else. It was quickly vaulted due to its power and when it returned with a nerfed 74 damage, the spawns were too few so it was vaulted again for lack of use. It’s had a rough history, but Fortnite’s Guided Missile was a true terror at launch.

2. Drum Gun

Previously classified as an SMG, the Drum Gun was an obscenely strong weapon even substituted for shotguns. When fighting close range, assault rifles won’t always do the job so an inventory spot was usually dedicated to a shotgun. That is until players realized how strong the Drum Gun was. Though the accuracy isn’t good, boasting a DPS of 176 just from a high fire rate is huge. It was a true “spray and pray” gun but with much less praying. Drum Gun did not return for Fortnite Chapter 2 but is available in Season 2 as a mythic rarity Midas’ Drum Gun, found at The Agency.

1. Infinity Blade

Unarguably, the best weapon in Fortnite history is the Infinity Blade. Introduced and removed in Season 7, Epic Games created a melee weapon that boosts mobility, increased health, and dealt 75 damage per swing. That’s not even the best part. Infinity Blade lets the user destroy enemy structures in just one hit. With an empowered jump, one lucky player in a match could run around destroying built towers with ease, killing players in less than 3 hits, and receive a burst of healing after each kill. 

When it was first released, the Infinity Blade user could even build too, though that was quickly nerfed out. The best Fortnite weapon created lots of controversies, even among established Fortnite pros like Tyler “Ninja” Blevins. Though pros are generally satisfied that the unfair weapon was removed, many fans miss it and look forward to the next overpowered Fortnite sword weapon.

Top 5 Dota 2 Support Heroes You Should Be Playing


These are the top five Dota 2 support heroes you should be playing, with the focus on hard support position five and the 7.25 patch.

We already discussed in our previous article the top five carry heroes you should be playing in Dota 2, so it’s only natural to bring up which support heroes you will want to try out as well to gain MMR. 7.25 was just recently released and it saw countless amounts of item changes, neutral changes, and hero balancing changes.

The focus of this support list is going to be on hard support position five. You can definitely play these in the position four and have no issues, but for now this focus is on hard support. Let’s dive right in!

Solid Pick #1 – Ogre Magi

Ogre Magi, the two-headed ogre that I’m sure everybody loves to lane against! Kidding. Ogre Magi is a beefy, strength-based hero that is in my opinion one of the most annoying supports to play against but I’d love for him on my team! It’s large in part due to the fact he has low-cost mana abilities and is one of the best level one heroes.

  • Ogre’s Level 1 – 57 damage, 660 health, 7 armor, 5.5 health regen with no items. Are you kidding me!?  At level one Ogre Magi is an absolute monster. 7 armor and 5.5 health regeneration is absolutely nuts and this makes him one of the best right-click traders in the early game. You need to grab an orb of venom and just trade with the enemy offlaner. Feel free to grab multiple tangos for even extra base regen. Zone the opponents out of the lane and when you start getting low use his natural regeneration plus some tangos to get back to higher HP. If you’re passively sitting back in lane as Ogre and not zoning out the enemy you are playing him incorrectly!
  • Bloodlust is Ogre’s third ability that gives bonus movement speed and bonus attack speed for 30 seconds to either you or whoever you cast it on. Bloodlust has always been a solid ability because it is useful at every single stage of the game. Giving your carry +60 attack speed is devastating and can be very useful when your team is pushing a tower. A Dragon Knight that ulted with Bloodlust will deal massive amounts of damage to the tower. Additionally, an additional maximum of 14% movement speed is very useful for saving heroes or even using it on a hero to initiate.
  • Useful in any skill bracket and doesn’t take a lot of items to be impactful. Whether you’re a professional or a beginner just starting out Dota 2, Ogre Magi is useful and will have a solid impact on your team if you play it correctly. Ogre is very easy to pick up and learn Dota 2 with. If you’re just starting out, feel free to spam him for a while to understand how Dota works. Buy Arcane Boots, Force Staff, Glimmer Cape, Aether Lens and WARDS! Be there for your team, use your stuns to save them, as well as these items I listed and your team will be in a great spot.

Those are a couple of specifics for why you should pick Ogre Magi right now. He is easy to pick up and play, and overall just a strong hero. Make sure you harass your enemy in the early game to take advantage of just how strong Ogre is in lane at level one and on.

Solid Pick #2 – Lich

Lich has been a relatively strong support hero over the past year. He has solid movement speed, good abilities, and is another support hero useful in all stages of the game. He also had a few ability changes with the change to Frost Shield giving AOE damage, and the addition of Sinister Gaze, which is where Lich disables and pulls the enemy towards him for 1.4/1.7/2/2.3 seconds.

  • Use Frost Blast to harass enemies with it’s short cooldown. I’d put Lich in the safelane with the carry and let him use Frost Blast in order to slow and deal damage to the enemy. It offers a slow which will allow Lich to get a few more right clicks in and potentially set up a kill with the carry if that opportunity presents itself. Get two levels in this ability before your ultimate at level six.
  • Frost Shield is a very strong ability now. Players are maxing this ability out more often than not and that is because it grants 30%/40%/50%/60% damage reduction and a slow to the enemy of 20%/25%/30%/35%. Use this on your initiator or carry to chase down your opponents, or use Frost Shield defensively in order to save your hero from getting spammed by right click heroes.  60% damage reduction at level four is extremely powerful so make sure to use it to your advantage!
  • Sinister Gaze is powerful! This newer ability on Lich offers disable and can completely mess up an opponent if they are out of position. If your opponent blinks in, use this ability on them and it will pull them in which allows your team to hopefully take them out before they get their proper elimination on them. Or, if an enemy is trying to run away because they might be low health, similarly use it on the hero to bring them right back into your team. In previous iterations of Lich, his third ability granted him mana when he used it on a creep. Use Gaze on the enemy to drain 10%/15%/20%/25 of their mana. This is very strong on heroes with a low mana pool like many strength heroes.

Lich offers a lot of disable, damage reduction, slow, and damage into fights for a support hero. This makes him very viable as a position five hero and I would absolutely pick him when you can. Couple him with a carry like Faceless Void who can use his Chronosphere, and Lich’s ultimate will deal massive amounts of damage by bouncing from enemy to enemy.

Solid Pick #3 – Disruptor

Disruptor is one of those heroes that in my opinion never seems to be a horrible pick, but is overall just a solid choice if he aligns with the direction of your other picks. He has great harass potential, amazing lockdown, and one of the most powerful ultimates in the game if used properly.

  • Thunder Strike. It’s overall just a great ability to use for harassing your enemies in the early game. If the opponent doesn’t have a lot of regen, make sure to have a clarity or two so you can use this ability four to five times. It also has a decent amount of damage with a very low cooldown at every level. It deals four strikes of 45/70/95/120 damage with a cooldown of 18/15/12/9 seconds. Make sure to have some mana regeneration, and use Thunder Strike plus your right clicks to deal solid damage to the opponents.
  • His ultimate Static Storm is one of the best in the game! Disruptor’s ultimate silences all enemies inside of the AOE. Save it for the right time and it can win you the fight more times than not. Being able to silence a carry before he uses his abilities, or silencing a Dazzle before he gets to save a teammate is game changing. Don’t be afraid to use his ultimate to kill one or two important heroes. Despite it being an AOE ability, meaning you can catch all five heroes if they’re close together, it’s more important to use it at the ideal moment to give your team the advantage at specific moments.
  • Static Storm V2! Not only does his ultimate silence enemies for five seconds, but if you can manage to get an Aghanims Scepter, it Mutes the enemy as well. To recap, muting is when a hero cannot use abilities OR items. This easily makes it one of the most powerful abilities in the game if you can manage to grab a Scepter. Being able to stop a hero from using a BKB and becoming magic immune will more often than not win you the fight. Don’t forget to purchase your support items first though. Grab Arcane Boots, Force Staff, Glimmer Cape, then get an Aghs if you can. Remember the Neutral Item Philosophers Stone will grant you higher GPM which is very useful on a position five support.

In conclusion, Disruptor is overall just a solid pick if you’re looking for a support hero that is good at all points of a match. Make sure to get him some useful neutral items and if the game can go long enough, definitely try to snag yourself that Aghanim’s Scepter!

Solid Pick #4 – Jakiro

Jakiro is the two-headed dragon, intelligence hero that packs a punch with stuns, slows, and heavy damage if the enemy decides to stick around. Not only that, but for an intelligence hero Jakiro has one of the highest base Strengths (27) in the game sitting in third only behind Spirit Breaker (29), Batrider (28), and Tiny (28).

  • Dual Breath is Jakiro’s first ability and it offers a lot in the early game. It slows movement, slows attack speed, and is very useful to harass your enemy. Use this ability as much as you can in the early game because later on in the game it is more difficult to use this to it’s fullest potential. The reason being is because Dual Breath has a very low cast range, and as heroes become more powerful later in the game it is harder and more unsafe to get closer to them. However make no mistake that if an initiator blinks in or a carry tries to chase, use Dual Breath to slow them down! Additionally, max this ability first because it quadruples in damage at level four and only costs 35 more mana.
  • Early game strength to take on your opponents. At level one Jakiro has 740 health! Use this to your advantage. Unfortunately Jakiro only has two armor, so trading with right clicks isn’t as viable as it is with Ogre Magi like we mentioned above, but don’t let this stop you from trading auto attacks to get that offlaner out of your lane. Use his HP to your advantage when you can. 57 damage and his 740 health should give you no problem in staying alive and assisting your carry.
  • Liquid Fire is an underrated ability. Jakiro’s third ability is Liquid Fire, which costs a whopping ZERO mana. That’s right, it doesn’t cost you anything besides a relatively short cooldown! It offers burn damage to enemies, creeps, and towers for five seconds. Spam this as often as you can to harass your enemy and don’t be afraid to help your team push a lane. Liquid Fire also slows attack speed, so when you’re pushing and cast it on a tower, the burn damage will deal heavy damage to the tower itself and the attack slow will make sure your creeps and heroes stay alive longer.

Jakiro offers so much that many other heroes don’t. Support heroes that have abilities to help get towers faster should not be undervalued. Couple that with his stuns, slows, and reduced move / attack speed and Jakiro just makes for exactly what the title says…  A solid pick! Make sure to try to pick up a Eul’s Scepter if you can on Jakiro. Use the Eul’s and cast your Ice Path to instantly stun an enemy. However be aware that if the enemy has a BKB or a Juggernaut or Lifestealer with built in BKB’s, they can avoid the instant stun.

Learn This Hero! – Snapfire

Snapfire quite frankly is still just an absurd hero to play against, so you should learn and play her while you still can! Her abilities don’t cost a lot of mana, deal so much damage, offer movement slow, a stun, right click damage, and an escape. She’s a strength hero which naturally means she has more health than most, and doesn’t require many items at all to be productive. Snapfire can be effective in almost any role from a mid, offlaner, position four, and hard support. Lets go over her abilities:

Scatterblast – Point and shoot in a cone formation that deals 80/150/220/290 damage (plus an extra 50% if they’re close). It also provides 100% movement slow at all levels and barely costs any mana to cast. Below you can see the range for the extra damage in the light green. Max this skill first and use it to trap your enemy and slow them when they get too close.

dota 2 support heroes

Firesnap Cookie – A unique ability that can be casted on a friendly unit (or creep) to have the casted unit hop forward 450 distance. If casted on a unit and that unit then lands next to an enemy, it will stun the enemy for 1.6/1.8/2/2.2 seconds and deal 90/160/230/300 damage. This skill is extremely strong and you can use it in very creative ways. Save yourself or your teammate by casting it on at the right moment to hop over a cliff. Yes that’s right, you can hop over cliffs with this.

Lil’ Shredder is Snapfire’s third ability which deals physical damage with six auto-fixed instances. This means when you hit the ability and then click on the enemy you get six auto attacks that deal 35/50/65/80 damage per shot. It also applies an attack slow and can be stacked so feel free to use this ability on the enemy right clickers!

Mortimer’s Kisses – It’s honestly one of my favorite abilities in the game because it does require skill to hit, however it still will probably see future adjustments because of it’s insane damage. Her ultimate fires eight globs in a circular AOE where you pick where it lands. Deals 160/240/320 damage per hit plus 50/75/100 burn damage.

I just want to put this in a quick perspective that if you are a level six Snapfire and are against an Axe level eight with no items, he has 1200 HP. If all of those globs hit Axe he will die. Granted this is in a perfect world however an ultimate that can deal that much damage at level one is utterly insane!

It doesn’t cost that much mana and the cooldown is respectable, but is not super long. Again don’t be afraid to use this when you can as you shouldn’t be trying for the super huge ult, you just want to get kills with it as quick as possible to help your team. Use it at a range because you don’t have to be anywhere near the enemy to cast this ability.

Repeat.gg hosts many Dota 2 tournaments every week and month, so you’ll always have tournaments ready to help you earn money. Sign up now and start competing today!

Highest Grossing Esports Games From 2019


It’s thanks to developers producing successful games that the esports industry can develop as fast as it has. The highest grossing esports games from 2019 will lead the way in deciding the scene’s future.

We’re approaching the quarter-point of 2020 and the industry is starting to be dictated by top-grossing esports. There are thousands of video games that exist, but very few make it to the popular competitive landscape known as esports. Games that reach this peak become so popularized that revenue takes a large boost. The following is a list of the highest grossing esports games from 2019, which should dictate the future of esports in 2020 and beyond.

If you’re just here to see the full infographic, click here.

Modern Warfare – $645 Million

Starting off the list, Activision brings us Modern Warfare, the 2019 installment in the Call of Duty franchise. Modern Warfare was released in October 2019 and made a huge impression, making over $600 million in just three days during a weekend release. Claiming different badges like PlayStation Network’s highest ever digital sales and multiple awards for the best audio and online multiplayer, Call of Duty Modern Warfare stomped the markets.

Fans and professionals were all over it too, with Activision revamping their whole esports league around this title. Call of Duty League officially launched January 24 and their opening weekend hit a peak viewership of just under 103 thousand fans tuning in.

What’s more impressive is that this viewership was all on YouTube after an exclusivity agreement with Activision bringing Call of Duty League and Overwatch League to YouTube Gaming. With Twitch considered the king of streaming, their launch weekend is truly impressive.

Modern Warfare earned over $645 million in 2019 and that figure came before Call of Duty League’s launch too. About two months have passed since then and these monetary figures came from the end of 2019. By now, revenue is expected to approach $1 billion at the rate of fire Modern Warfare spread.

Image credit to Esports Charts

PUBG – $1.5 Billion

Player Unknown Battlegrounds takes the next seat, with over $1.5 billion in 2019 revenue according to Sensor Tower. PUBG was one of the first major battle royale shooters and though it was eclipsed by Fortnite, it still sees success. In early 2018, the Royale Pass was launched. Games everywhere were seeing success with battle pass options loaded with cosmetics and PUBG Corporation sought to capitalize on this movement.

One of the biggest appeals to PUBG fans, and arguably the reason it’s so popular and lucrative, is due to its mobile accessibility. In just the third quarter of 2019, PUBG Mobile made over $495 million, mostly due to the Chinese rebranding to Game for Peace, allowing the game to be accessible there.

As of December 2019, China accounts for over 108 million downloads with India leading the way at over 116 million downloads. Combined, China and India make up about 40 percent of all PUBG Mobile downloads. Two countries in the whole word make up nearly half the PUBG Mobile player base. Esports communities see these two nations, especially India, as the next hub for esports with mobile usage fast developing. And PUBG Mobile is the catalyst in growing this audience.

highest grossing esports
Image by Sensor Tower.

League of Legends – $1.5 Billion

As the top competitive game, League of Legends will consistently lead as one of the top grossing esports. The MOBA title is viewed as the pinnacle of esports and the reason for its success at reaching a high player is because it’s free. In September, for their 10th-anniversary event, Riot Games disclosed some statistics, stating that League of Legends sees nearly 8 million concurrent players on a daily basis. Massive player counts and large followings explain how League of Legends almost hits $1.5 billion in revenue for 2019, according to a report by SuperData Research

Developer Riot Games made big highlights recently with their League of Legends news from their 10th anniversary event where they announced the production of seven new games to the 2019 World Championship that reached just under a peak count of 4 million viewers, Riot Games keeps on top of the record making.

2020 holds lots of potential for the studio to further increase their revenues with new in-game cosmetics and the release of new titles like Valorant. SuperData’s study also revealed that League of Legends players are about half as likely to spend money on the game as compared to Fortnite players, bringing us to the leader in esports revenues.

highest grossing esports
Image by Esports Charts.

Fortnite – $1.8 Billion

Fortnite, the world’s top battle royale unsurprisingly leads as the top grossing esports in 2020. Publisher Epic Games does a stellar job at keeping players invested in the game, making sure there is a constant supply of new content. Utilizing battle passes with dozens of in-game cosmetics and introducing new weapons and game modes, players and fans are satisfied with the state of the game.

Fortnite also appeals to all ages, including a large majority of youth, which helps account for its $1.8 billion 2019 revenue according to SuperData. This is viewed as a stable point for Fortnite since their previous year was their big performer.

2019 was a big boost for Fortnite in its competitive scene as well. Fortnite esports finally showed its nature at the Fortnite World Cup. Boasting over 2.3 million concurrent viewers during the Solo Finals, the event brought light to esports star, Kyle “Bugha” Giersdorf. Then only 16-years old, he made national headlines by winning $3 million. This feat and the popularity of the Fortnite World Cup helped grow player count, thus increasing Epic Games’ revenue. 

The sheer amount of money Epic Games puts out on its competitive events is also a reason that fans are more inclined to play the game. Early in 2019, Epic revealed a $100 million prize pool for 2019. Although it was scattered throughout the year in various events and concentrated on the Fortnite World Cup, an announcement like that created waves in the esports community.

Not only that, but Fortnite also has a strong streamer culture tied to the game, so fans always have entertainment awaiting them. Tfue, Ninja, and many more bring even more fans to Fortnite as their streaming personalities and careers appeal to a variety of audiences. With all these factors in play, it’s no wonder 2020’s top grossing esport is a competitive battle royale that welcomes all ages.

Image by SuperData.

Full Infographic

highest grossing esports

Repeat.gg is one of the largest automated esports tournament platforms in the world. Sign up now and start earning today!

League Of Legends Will be Temporarily Unavailable

league of legends

Due to Riot Games updating its terms and conditions, League of Legends tournaments will be temporarily unavailable.

Repeat.gg has been hosting League of Legends competitions since 2017, and we have always been open and honest about what we do with Riot Games Inc (Riot), the developers of League of Legends. This includes updating the nature of our competitions to comply with all of Riot’s terms and conditions, such as no cash play and a minimum of 20 entrants. In order for Repeat.gg to host League of Legends tournaments, Riot provides an interface called an API, which allows us to gather each player’s statistics. Without access to the statistics, obviously we can’t provide tournaments.

We want to provide bigger tournaments by both numbers and rewards, and so over the past month, we started conversations with them to try and partner with them closely to grow the League of Legends community, host larger prize pools ($10k+) and run charity events. This led Riot to a review of our site, and even after providing all information required – and as far as we can tell complying with all Riot terms and conditions – they have terminated our API access, and asked us to re-apply again, going through the same process we went through in 2017.

We are disappointed in Riot’s decision to impact the thousands of League of Legends players that use the Repeat.gg site, but as of today, Repeat.gg are unable to provide League of Legends tournaments until such time as Riot can review our new application. We don’t know how long this process will take, and there is no guarantee that they will approve our application.

All tournaments that are/were currently running will be awarded prizes based on the updated standings as of March 20, 2020 PDT. Please stay tuned for updates via email and our social media channels as we push towards bringing LoL back to the website.

The good news is this will allow us to focus much of our attention on releasing a new game on the website, which should be happening very soon. These tournaments will have large cash prize pools upon release. Also, you can still compete in Dota 2 tournaments right now.

We apologize for the inconvenience at this time. Rest assured we are doing everything possible to get these tournaments and more games onto the website as soon as we can. Plans to launch even more games will also be escalated.

We promise to give you an update as soon as we have one. Also, please allow the processing of withdrawals a little extra time than normal as we will be paying out several tournaments in the short term. 

Thanks for your support.

Top 10 League Of Legends Supports to Play in Competitive

League of Legends support

Every League of Legends support player is imperative to a team’s victory: here are 10 of the best supports for competitive play.

Your support champion could be the difference in winning or losing a match in League of Legends, and that is especially true when you’re talking about competing in tournaments against professionals. Want to learn what the pros are abusing to win games? Then you have come to the right place, as we breakdown and the top 10 best supports for pro play!


Nautilus is the quintessential support for pro play. He has everything that you could ever want. Front line tanking? Check. CC? Check. Survivability? Check. Nautilus ticks almost every box that is required for a good support champion, and he does it well. He isn’t just a jack of all trades, he is a MASTER of all trades.

He is able to chain CC targets for what seems like an eternity, whilst having the raw health and resistances to be able to come out unscathed. Above all else though, he is so simple to play effectively, that it is almost impossible to not be consistent on him. It is for this reason that Nautilus is the number one pick on this list.


Leona is very similar to Nautilus, she has insane amounts of CC and sticking potential, and she is almost impossible to scathe in a fight, let alone kill. What sets Leona apart from Nautilus though is her ultimate. It is an area of effect (AoE) stun/slow and can turn the tides of a team fight rather quickly. However, due to the fact that it is a skill shot, which also has a wind-up time, it is a lot less reliable than a Naut R, which is a point and click. Due to the potential for less consistency, Leona places just shy of the top spot at number 2.


Tham Kench is a rather weird champion. He sees such little solo queue play, but once you jump into the pro scene, you quickly realize that he is one of the most played supports. This isn’t just currently either, he has historically always been a great pick in the pro scene, and that is due to how good his team play is.

Whilst Leona and Nautilus set up long CC chains, Tham Kench is more about peeling. He is able to eat up allies in who are in a tough spot and whisk them away to safety, where he is then able to soak up all incoming damage with the use of grey health, whilst his ally makes swift work of the enemies.

Alongside this, he also has a global presence due to his ultimate, allowing him and one teammate to teleport around the map, cutting off enemy retreats or to provide reinforcements. The only problem he has is his relatively high skill floor/ceiling compared to other support picks. Of course, this isn’t really an issue at the highest levels of play, but it is why his solo queue presence is so low.


What more is there to say about Rakan than he is the KING of engage. His kit is entirely designed around jumping in and setting up kills. There is never a time when you are safe from his engages, as he is able to cross vast amounts ground very quickly, eventually ending up with him right up in your face, and your imminent death following suite.

Alongside all of this, he provides excellent sustain for his teammates, providing both shields and heals, but at a certain point, it won’t even be necessary with how fast the enemy team will melt in the late game.


Yuumi is the only enchanter support to make the list. The last time we saw enchanter supports played at a pro-level was during the ardent censor meta. Despite this, Yuumi has performed a cut above the rest thanks to her team wide peeling capabilities and the ability to turn any carry into a nuclear missile.

When attached to ADC’s or carry junglers such as Master Yi, she turns them into the perfect champion, capable of surviving any skirmish. Alongside all of this, she has very good team fight potential thanks to her ultimate, allowing for full team roots. 


If Rakan is the king of engage, then Morgana is the queen. Shehas a nicely loaded kit, which allows for big engages on the enemy team, whilst also providing a spell shield capable of completely shutting down champions that rely on hooks for engage, including our top pick of Nautilus.

Morgana’s dark binding, whilst slow-moving, is a guaranteed kill in the late game, rooting for almost three seconds, which in the middle of a fight, seems like an eternity. The cherry on top of all of this is her ultimate, which allows for big team wide stuns if allowed to proc. Even if she isn’t able to land the stun, it still disperses the enemy team enough to allow for picks to be made onto the back line. 


Now we have the unbreakable wall that is Braum. Braum is another support that has stood the test of time, still being relevant in pro play, despite the meta changes. This all comes down to his ability to frontline, outclassing all other tanks.

His E allows him to completely block crucial abilities and reduces the damage of all subsequent attacks to essentially nothing. In terms of pure survivability, no support can even come close to Braum. He also has great CC potential, allowing for his back line to just go wild, all whilst incurring no consequences.


Bard is a jack of all trades support. He has great CC, mobility and some healing thrown in to round out his kit. He is able to rather easily roam around the map and come in for surprise ganks, which will almost always result in summoner spells burnt, if not a kill.

Bard is a master of blocking of enemy retreats with his trusty ultimate acting as an AoE Zhonya’s Hourglass. This gives his teammates enough time to get into position and pounce on the enemy. This ultimate can be a little tricky to land however, you have to take travel time into account, and on top of this, it is rather easy to accidentally hit one of your teammates with it. This can quickly allow for the enemy team to turn around a bad situation.


Zilean is a great counter pick into a lot of the higher tiered champions on this list. He turns immobile tanks into piles of ash within seconds, as they are just incapable of dodging his bombs.

On top of this, his utility is unmatched, he is capable of granting XP to teammates, which is already amazing in of itself, but the fact that his ultimate is a free Guardian Angel makes his kit all the sweeter. Just as you think you have got that key target on the enemy team down, Zilean swoops in with the uno reverse card and says “no, you”, leaving you in a situation where cool downs have been wasted and leaving you vulnerable.


Rumble is here for one reason and one reason alone. When you pair him with and Ashe ADC, the enemy team insta lose the game. When they combine ultimates, people melt within seconds. He is a great aggressive support and has a very feast or famine playstyle, you either get ahead and terrorise all around the map, or you get destroyed in lane and lose game. Despite his strengths, this inconsistent feast or famine style of play isn’t as well suited for pro play, where consistency is key.

Are you an expert-level support or League of Legends player in general? Sign up for Repeat.gg and start earning money for your ranked game play!


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